Well this took a bit of work. I had downloaded Gizmo's linux client (didn't work with my laptop... gave up trying). Then I tried twinkle (worked with Gizmo, but had audio issues). Gave up for the night, and today I had a bit of time so I tried to get it working again.
Ekiga turned out to be the way to go.
Ekiga Settings
AFTER YOU HAVE A GIZMO ACCOUNT, here is how to set it up on Ekiga. You will need your SIP number from Gizmo (begins with 1747).
1) Cancel the wizard for the Ekiga account (unless you feel like having that in addition)
2) Go to Edit > Accounts
3) In the Accounts window that popped up, go to Accounts > Add a SIP account
4) Fill in the details below
Registrar: proxy01.sipphone.com
User: YOUR 1747... Gizmo number
Authentication User: Same as User
Password: Your Gizmo password
5) Press OK. Simple as that.
Google Voice settings
1) Login to Google Voice (http://www.google.com/voice/)
2) Go to your settings (upper right corner)
3) Go to Phones
4) Add another phone
5) Fill out below
Name: Whatever name you want, I chose Gizmo5
Number: Gizmo number, drop the first 1... just 747......
Phone Type: Gizmo
6) Save
To make a call, you have to go into Google Voice. There will be a "Call" button. Enter the number to call, select your Gizmo account... and in a just a moment your Gizmo account will receive a call and you are good to go.
Now I need a more comfortable headset so this is actually a desirable way to communicate.